Purified Custom Labeled Water
Your water’s going to taste better with your logo or design on it—especially when it comes from DrinkMore Custom Water. That’s because our water is purified through a 10-stage water purification process which includes:
- Sediment Filtration
- Ion Exchange
- Activated Carbon Towers
- Ultraviolet Light
- One Micron Pre Filter
- Reverse Osmosis (twice)
- Ozonation
- Ultraviolet Light #2
- More Ozonation
- Storage, Ozonation & Recirculation
- Right into your bottle!
The custom labeled water we bottle has a purity of only one part per million total dissolved solids, making it some of the purest water on the market today.
Why Drink Purified Custom Labeled Water?
If you’re going to pay for your water, make it purified.
To meet the legal definition of “purified water,” water impurities must be removed or reduced to extremely low levels. Water which meets this definition is of higher purity than spring water, tap water, or filtered water.
Purified water is not the same as filtered water. While both types of water are subject to some sort of filtration (as is almost every spring water), purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes, typically reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization. The result is of significantly higher purity than either spring water, tap water, or filtered water.
Is Spring Water Purified?
Many people believe that spring water is actually “pure” water. In all actuality, spring waters contain many of the same impurities found in drilled wells or even tap water. In fact, since springs feed our rivers, there’s lots of spring water right in your own tap water! On average, the purity of spring water is roughly comparable to that of tap water. Some of it has lower TDS levels and some higher. Learn more about spring water vs. purified water.
How to Order Custom Labeled Purified Water
Since 2001, DrinkMore Custom Water has offered purified water with customized labels printed using the best technology to produce photographic quality results.
For customers located within our local delivery territory, which encompasses the greater Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area, we can cost effectively deliver as few as 18 cases per delivery. We also offer extremely competitive pricing on custom and private labeled water to customers located throughout the continental United States.
Fill out a form or call us today at 301-591-9391 to get a quote on our purified water customized with your logo, ideal for:
- Country clubs
- Hotels & resorts
- Restaurants, caterers, wineries
- Fundraisers
- Schools
- Government
- Weddings
- Conventions
- Gyms
- Commercial businesses
- And more!
Make sure to check out our portfolio of beautiful custom labels!