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Custom Labeled Purified Water vs. Spring Water

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking purified water and spring water are the same thing. At DrinkMore Custom Water, we produce and bottle some of the purest water available—not to be confused with spring water, tap water, or even filtered water!

What Is Purified Water?

Purified water represents the fastest growing segment of the bottled water industry. Why? Because it’s purer than other types of waters. When it comes right down to it, why does anyone “buy” custom or private labeled water? Some buy out of convenience, but most buy because they want to promote their brand, event, organization, etc. with something that’s of a higher quality and purity than other options like tap water.

Like other types of water, there are popular misconceptions about purified water as well. To meet the legal definition of “purified water,” water impurities must be removed or reduced to extremely low levels. At DrinkMore Custom Water, we do this through a custom-engineered, water purification process.

Water which meets this definition is of higher purity than spring water, tap water, or filtered water.

Is Purified Water the Same as Filtered Water?

Purified water is often confused with filtered water. Many people believe the two terms to be synonymous, but this is not the case. While both types of water are subject to some sort of filtration (as is almost every spring water), purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes, typically reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization. The resultant product, “purified” water, is of significantly higher purity than either spring water, tap water, or filtered water.

Where Does Purified Water Come From?

Purified water may originate from either a spring or surface or groundwater source or directly from the tap. It simply doesn’t matter. Since the purification process is designed to remove virtually all types of impurities, the quality of the source water has little bearing on the quality of the final product.

Nevertheless, at DrinkMore Custom Water, our source water meets the EPA minimum drinking water standards before any purification is even done! A properly designed and functioning purification system will produce extremely high purity water every time, regardless of variations in the source water’s quality. This is not true of spring water, tap water, or filtered water. For this reason, purified water is viewed as the objective benchmark against which the purity of other waters is judged.

If you’re buying water for higher quality and higher purity reasons, then purified water is your best choice.

What Is Spring Water?

Spring water is the subject of many popular misconceptions. Many of those misconceptions are promoted through less than accurate advertising pitches.

Is Spring Water “Pure”?


Many people believe that spring water is actually “pure” water. On the contrary, spring waters contain many of the same impurities found in drilled wells or even tap water. In fact, since springs feed our rivers, there’s lots of spring water right in your own tap water! On average, the purity of spring water is roughly comparable to that of tap water. Some have lower TDS levels and some are much higher.

But is spring water “100 percent pure” as many spring water companies advertise? As it turns out, the “100 percent pure” refers not to the absence of impurities in the water, but to the source of the water itself. That is, 100 percent of the water in the bottle came from an underground source (i.e. a spring), rather than from a surface water. These cleverly worded phrases may be legally permissible, but many people find them to be misleading, to say the least.

Is Spring Water “Natural”?

Another adjective which frequently pops up in spring water advertising is “natural.” While this term may conjure up images of a pristine wilderness setting, the fact is that “natural” can mean just about anything. This vague term could actually apply to our local tap water since the Potomac River is most certainly a “natural” source. It may be natural, but I don’t know many people who would go down to the river and scoop themselves a refreshing glass of “pure and natural” river water!

“Protected source” is yet another spring water sales claim that can be misinterpreted. When most people hear this term, they think about a remote mountain spring, far away from the pollution of civilization. The reality is more often a well-head surrounded by chain link fence. Hence, the “protected” source!

Spring water advertising is all about images—images of the mountains, streams and wildlife. What really happens to get that bottle of water to you is actually quite different from those images. Many, if not most, spring waters are not bottled at their source. Instead, the water is pumped into large tanker trucks for transportation to a bottling facility at a different location. (So remember, those “pristine” springs are being visited many times each day by large diesel tanker trucks—not exactly a “pristine” image. Health regulations dictate that the water in those tanker trucks be either chlorinated or ozonated at all times to protect against bacterial contamination.

Is Spring Water Different than Tap Water?

At this point, particularly if they are chlorinated, these spring waters are virtually indistinguishable from chlorinated tap waters. Once the tanker truck water reaches the bottling facility, a carbon filtration process is used to remove the chlorine. However, most of the other impurities remain. The “spring” water then has to go through more treatment—like micron filtration to take out floating particles and more ozonation before being put into the water bottles.

But the real question is, why stop at just a few types of filtration? Why not remove all of the impurities? Who wants nitrates in their water? Who wants various metals in their drinking water? The answer is that if most people don’t know what’s in the water in the first place; perhaps they don’t care.

Finally, the biggest spring water companies in this country are all owned by huge, foreign-owned corporations. When you choose DrinkMore Custom Water as your custom label bottled water company, you are supporting an American owned and operated company that is committed to providing the best purified water on the market with the most responsive and dependable service.

Contact us today for more information on our custom and private labeled purified water. You’ll taste the difference!